Join us to improve the working world

We are 200 driven specialists who work daily to make the working world a better place.

This is us

This is us

At Effectory, we work to make the working world a better place by championing employee feedback. For the past 20 years we have developed and improved a series of digital tools to help companies gain insights into the entire employee journey. While our intuitive apps and innovative feedback platform are inspiring and easy to use, we offer our clients the best possible service. We serve more than 1000 organizations across 70 countries with our unique approach of tech and touch. Our fast-growing company is based in Amsterdam and has an office in Munich.

We believe employees know best

We believe our employees know best. Based on self-managing and motivated teams, our open work culture allows us to inspire one another, learn from each other, and focus equally on our individual and collective growth. We stand 200 people strong in our dedication to improve organizations from within.

We believe employees know best
Jobs at Effectory

Jobs at Effectory

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