Clarity of roles and tasks: best practices

Merel Wijnands

Clarity of roles and tasks: best practices

Knowing precisely what your role is, and the tasks within that role are important for a number of reasons. Clarity helps employees and organisations to reach their goals in the most efficient way possible. It also helps employees perform their tasks to the best of their ability, and helps ensure that employees’ time is spent effectively. Furthermore, clarity regarding both role and tasks helps to reduce stress and is necessary for employee vitality and job satisfaction.

54% of employees in our study responded that it is clear what they need to do to perform in their function


Best practices: role and task clarity

At least once a year, discuss the roles and duties within the team, what needs to be done and who is responsible. Doing so will help make it clear to everyone who is meant to perform which tasks and which tasks are unclear or not yet defined.

Ask employees to take note of any tasks that come their way that are not part of their job. The next step is then to discuss how these tasks can be allocated differently.

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