3 smart ways to use employee feedback: Part 2 – How to target specific teams or groups with surveys

Iulia Bogyo

👋 New to this blog series? Catch up with part 1 here

Welcome back to our series on smart applications of employee surveys. In the first part, we’ve shown how these tools can help you optimize policies and learning and development programs. Today, we’re focusing on how targeting specific groups or teams with surveys can help you understand their experiences and enable you to make better decisions. 

3 smart ways to use employee feedback: Part 2 – How to target specific teams or groups with surveys 

What are target group specific surveys? 

Effectory’s target group specific surveys can be customized to directly address the needs of the group you’re interested in learning more about. Think of senior managers, customer success teams, or production team members. 

For example, you notice that managers are consistently mentioning challenges with remote team communication. You can then create a survey tailored to explore these concerns in depth. The important thing is to act on this information quickly and conduct the surveys regularly. 

How to gather feedback from your employees

The definitive checklist for creating your employee engagement survey.


Zooming in on manager-specific surveys 

The challenge with generic management support

Managers play a central role in the health and functioning of any organization. They not only guide daily operations, but also inspire and support their teams. Therefore, it’s essential to ensure they have clarity about their role, can collaborate effectively with others, and have a platform to share their feedback. 

Often, managers are expected to handle the complexities of their roles, lead others, and carry significant responsibility with only generic training and resources at their disposal.

Managers and Employee Engagement

This lack of specialized support can reduce productivity and cause frustration, negatively impacting performance and overall wellbeing. If managers aren’t properly supported, they can’t effectively guide their teams, potentially causing a ripple effect throughout the organization.  

Moreover, without regular feedback directly from managers, organizational decisions may not align well with team or organizational objectives, which can lead to misaligned strategies and missed opportunities.

How do management-targeted surveys work? 

Management-targeted surveys delve into various aspects of managerial roles to gather insights that can guide organizational improvements. 

The questions in these types of surveys explore areas such as managerial decision-making, leadership effectiveness, and team dynamics. For example, managers might be asked to rate their satisfaction with the clarity of their roles and the support they receive for professional development. Other questions might be asked about their views on the organization’s strategic direction and their involvement in decision-making processes. 

Here’s what the surveys typically cover: 

  • Feedback to top management: This section gathers managers’ perspectives on executive decisions and the overall direction of the company. Questions might include, “The board actively manages business performance” or “What are your improvement suggestions for the board?” 
  • Collaboration among managers: By assessing how managers work together, these surveys identify opportunities to enhance cooperation across departments and teams. For instance, managers may be asked, “We feel connected as one management team” or “We have an effective decision-making process” 
  • Support from the organization: It’s important to understand how supported managers feel by the organization. Questions in this area might focus on the adequacy of leadership development programs and personal growth opportunities, such as, “What appeals to you, when it comes to leadership development?” or “What keeps you or has kept you from doing anything in leadership development?” 

The effectiveness of target group specific surveys lies not just in the data they gather, but in the actions an organization takes based on the insights. They are most effective when used continuously. 

The impact of target group specific surveys

Surveying specific teams or groups can make a big difference in how well an organization operates. Here are some of the benefits we’ve seen: 

  • Improved feedback loop: Organizations gain valuable insights into what managers think, feel, and need to perform better in their roles. 
  • Enhanced managerial experience: Managers who are better equipped with the tools and support they need perform better, which in turn boosts team productivity and overall organizational success. 
  • Stronger relationships between managers: When managers are given a platform to share their challenges and successes, they do. This fosters a stronger, more collaborative leadership culture. 
  • Smarter resource allocation: Insights from the surveys help organizations invest more wisely, placing resources where they can make the most significant impact. 

Case study: How Icelandair surveys their cabin crew monthly to optimize wellbeing and operational efficiency

A great example of smart use of target group specific surveys is our customer Icelandair. After cabin crew work hours increased during Covid-19, the team expressed their worries about increased stress and fatigue. As a response, they implemented monthly Pulse Surveys targeted at their cabin crew to better understand their feelings and needs, and in particular, optimize their work schedules. These surveys enable the airline to make data-driven decisions that support the wellbeing of their cabin crew, and have led to remarkable results: 

  • 11% decrease in experienced work pressure during peak months (July, August, December). 
  • 60% improvement in work balance during peak months. 
  • 3% increase in energy levels (average score went up from 7.2 to 7.4).   

Read Icelandair’s story to see how their commitment to monthly surveys positively impacts their employees, customers, and the organization as a whole.   

Key takeaways and your next steps 

Imagine the potential of targeted feedback within your organization. Is there a specific group or team that could benefit from having a stronger voice? Are there persistent issues that remain unaddressed? 

By incorporating targeted feedback into your strategic planning, you foster continuous improvement that not only resolves these issues but also boosts the overall wellbeing and efficiency of your organization. 

In the next part of our series will show how you can use surveys to manage restructuring challenges. We’ll look at how employee feedback can help you maintain a stable and engaged workforce during times of change, such as restructuring. 

Caught up with part 1 & part 2? Read part 3 here. 

3 smart ways to use employee feedback series:

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Book a demo to see firsthand how our targeted surveys can resolve specific issues and boost overall efficiency in your organization. 

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