Measuring the human side of business

Merel Wijnands

Engagement measurement – As more and more companies conduct employee engagement surveys, it is becoming increasingly imperative that organisations capitalise on survey insights.

Measuring the human side of business

The effect of failing to capitalise on employee engagement survey insights goes way beyond financial loss. Alongside the individual disappointment of a lack of impact by those involved in the project, senior management is likely to let their frustrations be known that the survey didn’t reach its goals. A lack of action upon the insights also means real positive change is also unlikely to happen.

Why measure engagement?

Critically with every failure, employees’ enthusiasm for, and trust of organisation-wide initiatives dwindles, thus making successive attempts all the more harder.

Human side of business engagement e-book

Discover the secrets to successful employee engagement surveys. 


Can you manage what you don’t measure?

The classic saying goes “You can’t manage what you don’t measure”. In recent years, there’s been a growing call by some HR influencers for companies to end their obsession with measuring. So why measure engagement?

The first point we raise when asked is do you really know how engaged your employees are? And can you quantify it? Perhaps managers do know and have a pretty good idea, but often they don’t.

5 factors of successful employee engagement surveys

If organisations are to be truly competitive, waiting for the quarterly or yearly financials to plan action is too late. In today’s fast paced world measuring the traditional KPIs is no longer sufficient. There is no doubt that they still remain important, but organisations also need to know what is happening with employees and their engagement in work. Business today is too fast paced to rely solely on hard figures.

Engagement measurement

“Measuring employee engagement is now as important as measuring financials”

We know employee and customer engagement are good predictors of organisational performance. If you really care about the financials and numbers, invest in measuring engagement and taking action to increase it. Passionate employees take better care of their customers, and as a result customers are likely to increase their spending with the company. In other words, passionate employees increase a company’s value.”

Alongside the hard side, companies also need to know the soft side and any issues employees are facing. Without it, organisations are operating in the dark. Employee engagement surveys shed light on the human side of organisations and have now become an essential part of a manager’s toolkits.  Engagement surveys allow organisations to get insight into their heart beat; the employees. They allow managers to see how employees are doing, and to see what aspects are barriers to high performance.

Why engagement surveys should focus on teams

The secrets to successful employee engagement surveys

In order to help companies get the most from their engagement surveys, we decided to create a booklet that shares the insights and lessons learnt over the last 20 years.  Our aim in creating the content is to part with practical advice that adds expertise both on the practical and theoretical side of engagement surveys. 

Within the e-book we have made a conscious decision to only cover the areas that we believe to be the most valuable and further, to focus on the most common pitfalls we see many companies fall into. Our hope is that by doing so, we can help organisations to take their engagement surveys, as well as their engagement levels, to the next level.

The e-book includes the topics:

i. Defining objectives

ii. Employeeship or employership?

iii. Creating buy-ins

iv. Communication

v. Measuring staff engagement and reporting at the team level

vi. Questionnaire set up

vii. Anonymity & confidentiality

viii. Survey logistics

ix. Preparing managers

x. Communicating the results

xi. Action and dialogue at the team level

xii. Making action points specific

xiii. Communication of the progress

xiv. Repeat engagement measurement

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Effectory is Europe’s Leading provider of Employee Listening Solutions. Schedule a product demo and discover how to enhance your employees’ engagement.

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